The availability of large and detailed databases together with the increased computational capabilities has motivated researchers to propose innovative techniques and methodologies to mine information from data. The Evolutionary Polynomial Regression (EPR) [Giustolisi and Savic (2006)] has been introduced in the hydroinformatics community as a hybrid data-driven technique, which combines the effectiveness of genetic algorithms with numerical regression for developing simple and easily interpretable mathematical model expressions. The multi-objective search paradigm has been introduced [Giustolisi and Savic (2009)] for developing multiple models by simultaneously optimizing fitness to training data and parsimony of resulting mathematical expressions. Such improvement allows for a sudden understanding of existing patterns in data




The availability of large and detailed databases together with the increased computational capabilities has motivated researchers to propose innovative techniques and methodologies to mine information from data. The Evolutionary Polynomial Regression (EPR) [Giustolisi and Savic (2006)] has been introduced in the hydroinformatics community as a hybrid data-driven technique, which combines the effectiveness of genetic algorithms with numerical regression for developing simple and easily interpretable mathematical model expressions. The multi-objective search paradigm has been introduced [Giustolisi and Savic (2009)] for developing multiple models by simultaneously optimizing fitness to training data and parsimony of resulting mathematical expressions. Such improvement allows for a sudden understanding of existing patterns in data

(if any) by comparing different optimal models and the selection of the model which best fit the purpose of the analysis. In recent years EPR was used to investigate and pipe failures in water distribution and wastewater networks, rainfall-groundwater dynamics, scour depths downstream grade-control structures, explicit formulations of Colebrook-White friction factor, and evapotranspiration process. It was also adopted for other applications in the areas of geotechnical and structural engineering.













EPR MOGA-XL vr.1 integrates some advancement in artificial intelligence and data-driven modelling areas like an efficient multi-objective genetic algorithm (OPTIMOGA) and the algorithm for developing nonlinear mathematical structures using an integer coding. EPR MOGA-XL is a MS-Excel add-in and the user can launch EPR runs as a function in MS-Excel. Input data can be manually selected from any spreadsheets, without the hindrances of previous versions which required a strict data preparation. A sheet containing all EPR modelling options can be easily modified and retrieved for next analyses. Moreover, the user is guided through proper option setting by some tips, which recall the meaning of each parameter. In order to facilitate multiple analyses, the expression(s) of model(s) obtained, the values model predictions and fitness indicators of each model are stored in a separate Excel file. This allows the user to perform multiple analyses while preserving complete information on both input data and modelling settings.


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ANN MOGA (ANNs by Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm) is a tool developed on the homonymous modelling methodology based on the ANNs paradigm [Giustolisi and Simeone (2006)]. The tool employs a particular structure of ANN named the Input-Output Neural Network (IONN). In particular, it is based on a MOGA approach for construction of IONN models, which prevents potential overfitting troubles caused by poor generalization capabilities of the identified ANNs [Giustolisi and Laucelli (2005)]. This can be obtained by minimizing the model’s input dimension and the number of hidden neurons (flexibility) while preserving fitness properties.




The data-driven approaches have been experiencing a progressively increasing use for modelling natural and artificial systems. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) represent a typical data-driven technique, which is well established and widely used to model non-linear phenomena. ANNs do not return explicit equations, but produce fairly complex structures that model one or more outputs given an input data set. This approach has several advantages which have been extensively proven in literature, such as describing highly non-linear phenomena with a high level of accuracy, due to their ability to learn from data. However, their success was often bounded to pilot/research application, whereas modellers and users are researchers.


ANN MOGA (ANNs by Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm) is a tool developed on the homonymous modelling methodology based on the ANNs paradigm [Giustolisi and Simeone (2006)]. The tool employs a particular structure of ANN named the Input-Output Neural Network (IONN). In particular, it is based on a MOGA approach for construction of IONN models, which prevents potential overfitting troubles caused by poor generalization capabilities of the identified ANNs [Giustolisi and Laucelli (2005)]. This can be obtained by minimizing the model’s input dimension and the number of hidden neurons (flexibility) while preserving fitness properties. Additionally, the so-called curse of dimensionality, which often affects this modelling technique, highlights the importance of properly selecting the dimension of model’s inputs and its components in order to avoid sparseness of the training events, especially in the case of a limited amount of data, and to weigh carefully the quality of data when deciding on the number of hidden neurons. Both problems strengthen the need for the most parsimonious and effective structure for the IONN, which influence its accuracy. This is here achieved in a multi-objective fashion by simultaneously minimizing three different cost functions: the fitness of returned models, the number of hidden neurons and the number of model input variables.

The approach used for multi-objective optimization is the Pareto dominance criterion, while to solve the combinatorial optimization problem of discerning the Pareto solutions set, an evolutionary approach based on a MOGA) strategy has been adopted here.

ANN MOGA-XL vr.1 integrates some advancements in artificial intelligence and data-driven modelling areas like an efficient multi-objective genetic algorithm (OPTIMOGA) and the algorithm for developing input-output Artificial Neural Networks. ANN MOGA-XL is an MS-Excel add-in and the user can launch runs for ANN construction as a function in MS-Excel. Input data can be manually selected from any spreadsheets, without the hindrances of previous versions which required a strict data preparation. A sheet containing all ANN modelling options can be easily modified and retrieved for next analyses. Moreover, the user is guided through proper option setting by some tips, which recall the meaning of each parameter. In order to facilitate multiple analyses, all the parameters (weights, inputs, hidden neurons, biases) of ANN model(s) obtained, the values model predictions and fitness indicators of each model are stored in a separate Excel file. This allows the user to perform multiple analyses while preserving complete information on both input data and modelling settings.


To get installation packages contact as Idea-rt contact